Rick Gonsalves: Thoughtfully-Constructed

Rick Gonsalves is the Founder of AmericaFirst Capital Management, LLC. He has over two decades of experience in his field and has won multiple awards for his excellence in portfolio management. His team members at AmericaFirst have similar levels of experience, and they use their industry knowledge to create thoughtfully-constructed strategies that work.

“When you think about it, we test everything in life,” said Rick Gonsalves in an interview, “from the toothpaste we use to the car we drive to the house we buy, but for some reason, we just completely abandoned this philosophy when it comes to our money. I’ve never understood this.”

Keep reading this interview here.

For more about Rick Gonsalves and his team at AmericaFirst Capital Management, LLC visit www.americafirstfunds.com for further information about the services they offer, their rules-based, quantitative approach to portfolio management, and for complete contact details.

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